Roger Sperry|商务航空助力企业发展

21世纪经济报道 21财经APP
2018-04-25 00:00



A general dynamics company

Roger Sperry

Regional Senior Vice President, International Sales





Gulfstream has had a longstanding presence in China, entering the market years before the business-aviation industry took hold. We delivered our first aircraft to the country in 2002 and have been broadening our presence – and strengthening our relationships – there ever since. One such relationship is with Minsheng Financial Leasing, a company founded in 2008 and committed to expanding the use of business aviation in China. In 2008, when Minsheng got its start, there were just five Gulfstream aircraft operating in China; today, there are dozens more. 



That growth is the result of continued investments in and commitment to the region both financially -- in the form of facilities, people, parts and partnerships -- and educationally -- in the form of business-aviation advocacy. 



Our work with Minsheng Financial Leasing has opened up opportunities for business aviation to take hold and become an often-used tool for companies to expand economic interests in the region. Financial leasing – like that provided by Minsheng – helps business-aviation operators make the most of their investment. It also assists in communicating the value business jets provide, educating current and potential operators on the benefits they can reap with business-jet use.



This kind of education and advocacy is especially important because the business aviation industry in China is still relatively new, especially when compared to that in North America. As a result, Gulfstream and Minsheng have worked hard to explain the the benefits of business aviation – flexibility, security, productivity – and advocate for its use as a vital tool necessary for continued business growth. 



There’s plenty of data to support the notion that business jets contribute to corporate success, including a recent report from Nexa Advisors that was commissioned by the U.S.-based National Business Aviation Association. That report confirms that companies that have business aircraft at their disposal perform better than companies that don’t. According to the study, companies that use business aviation outperformed their non-business aviation-using peers by about 70 percent over the past five years. 

有大量数据支持这种观点,即公务机有助于企业业务的成功开展。最近由美国国家商务航空协会(U.S.-based National Business Aviation Association)委托的耐克森咨询公司(Nexa Advisors)撰写的报告也是如此认为。该报告证实,拥有公务机的公司表现要好于那些没有公务机的公司。研究显示,在过去的五年里,使用公务机的公司业绩表现比没有使用公务机的同行要高出70%。


Business jets save time, improve productivity, protect intellectual property and ensure the safety and security of passengers. All of those benefits affect enterprise value, including increasing revenue and market share, growing profits and enhancing asset efficiency. 



It’s especially true of long-range, international travel. With new economies developing around the world, business jets provide quick, efficient, reliable transportation to connect far-flung cities. Business jets bring people together. 



And Minsheng knows that. As the company prepares to celebrate its 10th anniversary, we continue to see many opportunities for general aviation to thrive in China, including infrastructure enhancements, increased training opportunities, dedicated business aviation airports and the growth of ancillary businesses that support business jet operations (FBOs, for example). Financial leasing helps support those endeavors.



Like those in the rest of the world, Chinese businesses can now leverage the flexibility, reliability and time savings that business jets provide, thanks to the government’s continued commitment to infrastructure and operational improvements in the region and to Minsheng’s continued financial support of the industry. 



So, what will the future bring? No one knows for sure, but one thing is for certain: as businesses of all kinds expand around the globe, they’ve seen the capabilities that long-range business jets can provide and they’re ready to capitalize on them. And both Gulfstream and Minsheng Financial Leasing will be there to help.



Roger Sperry 

Senior Regional Vice President of International Sales

罗杰·斯佩里(Roger Sperry)


