
2021-06-09 22:45

海关总署最新公布的数据显示,按美元计价,5月份中国进口总值上升至2184亿美元,同比增长51.1%, 出口总值上升至2639亿美元,同比增长27.9%。

“受大宗商品价格上涨压力影响,进口增长再次快于出口。” 恒生中国首席经济学家王丹表示。



王丹同时预测中国出口将持续走强。“由于印度和越南等主要出口国受新一波疫情冲击,世界对中国制造的依赖将重新上升。” 她表示。

China's imports in dollar terms soared by 51.1 percent to around $218.4 billion year on year in May, while exports rose by 27.9 percent year on year in May to $263.9 billion,  data from the General Administration of Customs (GAC) showed on Monday. 

"Imports increased faster than exports once again, suffering from increasing price pressures from commodities," Wang Dan, chief economist at Hang Seng Bank China, said.

Wang said that China's exports continued the strong momentum in May and that electronics and consumer goods exports surged as consumer demand in the U.S. and the European Union (EU) begin to normalize. 

Global industries started to repair their lost capacity in 2020, so the demand for industrial inputs such as steel and car parts also surged.

Wang also expects exports to stay strong for the rest of the year. "Due to the resurgence of COVID-19 in major exporters like India and Vietnam, the world's dependence on China's industrial power has once again increased," she said. 


剪辑:袁思杰  古瑞浩澜

监制:向秀芳  方晓茸

出品:南方财经全媒体集团 · 音视频部