南方财经全媒体记者李依农 马来西亚吉隆坡报道
Although infrastructure connectivity is a pillar of the Belt and Road Initiative, China's interpretation of the Belt and Road Initiative covers much broader areas. Categorized into“Five Links”, there is policy coordination, infrastructure development, investment and trade facilitation, financial integration, and cultural and social exchange.
When the BRI was proposed in 2013, Malaysia was among the first countries to respond positively. Malays, Chinese, and Indians comprise the multicultural population of Malaysia. And the ethnic diversity can be seen in the customs and religions, as well as languages, cuisines, and architecture.
We have seen the persistence and efforts of generations of Malaysian Chinese to inherit Chinese culture and traditions, building an essential bridge of communication. Through cultural and social exchanges, Malaysians are increasingly understanding and supporting the Belt and Road Initiative. Together, we are looking forward to the journey of the next 10 years.
责任编辑:和佳 杨雨莱
新媒体统筹:丁青云 曾婷芳 赖禧 黄达迅
海外运营监制: 黄燕淑
海外运营内容统筹: 张然
海外运营编辑:唐双艳 吴婉婕 肖玥
海外商务合作: 黄子豪
(作者:李依农 编辑:和佳)