SFC Markets and Finance|Danilo Turk: The Greater Bay Area provides all kinds of services

全球财经连线杨雨莱 2023-12-05 05:01

南方财经全媒体记者杨雨莱 广州报道

At Imperial Springs International Forum, Danilo Turk, Former President of Slovenia told the SFC reporter of his great impression on the Greater Bay Area. 

“I was in Shenzhen just before coming to Imperial Springs International Forum, and it is very interesting to see how ambitious the plans of the development of the Greater Bay Area are. They include important further development of services, all kinds of services, not only the fundamental transport services, banking and these sort of things, but also legal services. It is understood that new investment, new technological investment would also require better legal work, in terms of preparation of contracts, protection of intellectual properties, dispute settlement,” he said. He hopes that more and more foreign investors will discover the benefits of the Greater Bay Area and take advantage of it. 



(作者:杨雨莱 编辑:和佳)