SFC Outlook 2024|Anil Sooklal: The new BRICS will play a major role in shaping a new global order

全球财经连线李依农 2024-01-02 21:41

南方财经全媒体记者 李依农 南非德班报道

The BRICS is undergoing a profound transformation as it broadens its membership to encompass five new nations from the very onset of 2024. This expansion, which includes Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, represents a pivotal effort to reshape the global order into a multipolar world. It seeks to amplify the influence of voices from the Global South, giving them a more prominent role on the international stage and fostering fresh opportunities for collaboration and economic development on a global scale.

The BRICS has gone through 18 years of development journey. At this momentous juncture, Anil Sooklal, South Africa's BRICS Sherpa, in the insightful interview with SFC journalist, sheds light on the significant achievements, challenges, and prospects of this crucial mechanism. BRICS will not only bring positive changes to the developing world, but also to the entire world, said Ambassador Sooklal.

The interview also delves into the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), as Ambassador Sooklal commends China's visionary approach to global cooperation and development. He highlights the substantial impact of the BRI on Africa, emphasizing the extensive infrastructure development, capacity building, and economic collaboration facilitated by China across the African continent.

Furthermore, Ambassador Sooklal reflects on the enduring friendship between China and Africa, noting the historical roots, mutual trust, and shared commitment to mutual benefit. He anticipates a rock-solid relationship between the two countries, strengthened by the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and the Belt and Road Initiative will continue to flourish.

BRICS as a Force for Global Good

《SFC Markets and Finance》: We will have more countries join into the BRICS. What's your comment?

Anil Sooklal: Firstly, we are very thankful to China as South Africa, because when BRICS first started meeting at the level of Summit in 2009, in Russia, there were just four countries. South Africa was not part of the BRICS family. For us, we have the special appreciation to China for bringing South Africa into the BRICS family.

Of course, BRICS now, because of the 15th summit that took place in Johannesburg in August (2023), our leaders took a very important decision in terms of expansion. Again, China started the process. In the 14th BRICS summit chaired by President Xi, the leaders took a decision to start looking at the issue of expansion. So, China has set in motion the process of expansion, and under South Africa's chairmanship in 2023, we guided that process. And our foreign ministers also were very involved. Ultimately, our leaders had a discussion, and at the summit, they decided that it's time for BRICS to expand. Because we had a very large number of countries asking formally to join BRICS. 

I think that also demonstrates that BRICS has established itself as a powerful voice of the Global South. And, BRICS is championing the right issues in terms of redesigning the global geopolitical, economic, financial and development architecture that works for the developing countries.

We as developing countries, must have a voice in redesigning the evolving international system that is unfolding before us. BRICS is about bringing positive change in an inclusive manner, and not relegating one sector of society to the margins and allowing global hegemony to determine what is the best interest of all.

So, with the expansion of BRICS, it becomes an even more powerful force. And I think this is a highly significant development, that BRICS today has established itself as a force for global good. The new BRICS cannot be ignored. It's going to play a major role in determining the shape of a new global architecture that is inclusive, that is fair, that is just, and that is based on the rule of law underpinned by the UN Charter and reinforcing multilateralism.

BRICS has emphasized that we need a reform multilateral system with the UN at the center. At the moment, the UN is still an archaic creation of the 1945 global architecture. Even the Secretary General of the UN has stated that we need to reform the global governance structure, and BRICS is at the front of that.

《SFC Markets and Finance》: Indeed, BRICS will bring a lot of changes, positive changes to the developing world.

Anil Sooklal: I think it will not only bring positive changes to the developing world, but also to the entire world. Because even the developed world is now wanting to talk to BRICS. What we saw when we had the BRICS plus meeting here in Johannesburg, at the recent Summit, you had 61 countries being present and all speaking with the same voice, that we want to be the architects of a future global order, and we want to lead that process. That's what's going to happen. The developing world will be at the forefront in crafting an inclusive, fair, just global order where no one is truly left behind.

《SFC Markets and Finance》: With that said, what challenges do you think is lying ahead? 

Anil Sooklal: We still have challenges as we know, there's major global power contestations. Most of the countries that occupy positions of power don't want to share power, even though the global template has changed. The world of 1945 is vastly different from the world of 2023. Even the world of 1975, when the G7 was formed is vastly different from the world of today. The G7 is no longer the most powerful economies. In 1975, when G7 was formed, China's economy was 10% of the U.S. economy. The U.S. economy in 1975 was $1.6 trillion. China was $166 billion.Today, China's economy is 19 trillion. You can just use that to show how the world has changed. India, Brazil, Russia, they are all top 10 global economies, bigger than some of the G7 economies. In terms of PPP and GDP, BRICS today accounts for almost 31.7% of global GDP. G7 accounts for 30%. You can't ignore BRICS.

Therefore, we will experience challenges, like we did in 2023 during our leadership. And that is why South Africa and many other countries are saying that global governance structures are not even handed. They're very selective, in favor of the developed world, but not in equal in applying the same rules to the developing world. And this is what BRICS is fighting. And we will find opposition, because those hegemonic that are in power want to continue bulling the world. But BRICS is strong enough to resist this kind of opposition and to work for global good.

BRI Facilitates Global Cooperation and Development

《SFC Markets and Finance》: We know that 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, What's your comment on the BRI?

Anil Sooklal: We must firstly, congratulate China, in initiating the Belt and Road Initiative as it was in 2013. One Belt and One Road, when it was initiated, it was a very visionary template on global cooperation and development put forward by President Xi. He had a visionary take not only on China's development, but on global development.

And as we mark the 10th anniversary of the BRI and we look back at the journey we have traveled these past 10 years, it has been remarkable. The BRI has touched every corner of the globe, every continent, from Africa to Asia, to Latin America, to Europe, the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, all have benefited through the BRI initiative in various ways.

In Africa, South Africa was the first in 2015, signed up to the BRI, when President Xi came to South Africa to co-chair the FOCAC summit here in Johannesburg. We signed the BRI MOU. We again signed an MOU on BRI cooperation in 2023. So the rest of the African continent as well, we have benefited tremendously. 

China has always had a special place for the African continent, we have a special relationship with China as Africa. And I think one of the reasons is that China understands Africa's challenges more than any other region of the world. Because China has been where Africa is at the present time. China has experienced exploitation through imperialism, just as Africa has been devastated by colonialism, racism and apartheid. China has gone through the same kind of exploitation by the global hegemony. China has experienced under-development and poverty.

As recently as 1980, some 80% of Chinese live below the poverty line. But when President Xi became President in 2013, he made a promise that by 2020, China will be rid of abject poverty. And you have kept that timeline, and China has become the first global country to get rid of abject poverty. You have lifted hundreds of millions of your citizens out of poverty. Now, as Africa, we are saying that China should share that experience with us, and China has been doing that.

The Belt and Road is an added benefit of development corporation that China now has with the whole of the African continent including South Africa. If you look at just Africa and the Belt and Road, we are benefiting on various fronts. In terms of connectivity, China has built over 6000 plus kilometers of roads. In terms of rail, you have built over 6000 kilometers of rail and continue to build rail and road in most of the countries of Africa. Ports, over 20 ports have been developed or refurbished. You have also shared your own knowledge of special economic zones. You have developed several special economic zones in numerous African countries. In terms of capacity building, thousands, over 80,000 plus African students are studying in China. We have several thousand South Africans studying in China. So in terms of scholarships, capacity building, and enhancing the human resource of the African continent, China is the largest provider to the African continent. So on all fronts under the Belt and Road Initiative, China is a major factor in Africa's development.

You are our largest trading partner, not just for South Africa, but the entire African continent. Over 220 billion US dollars, a quarter of that is with South Africa. In 2023, we also marked 25 years of our formal diplomatic relations. The relationship may be 25 years old in terms of diplomatic relations. But the relationship goes back several decades. As early as the 1950s,the ANC (African National Congress) sent delegations to China to learn from China and to seek assistance. So it's more than 25 years old.

And the relationship between the African continent and China goes back hundreds of years. There has been strong interaction between the African continent and China for several centuries. So, it's a historical relationship. And therefore, we say it's a relationship of friends, it's a relationship based on mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual benefit. It's a relationship based on Win-Win cooperation as China would say.

We are very pleased to have China as a friend of South Africa, as a friend of the African continent, and a friend who truly understands Africa's needs, and is working with Africa to lift Africa, to help us to become a strong continent. Because a strong Africa is good for the world. A strong China is good for the world. And therefore, we are pleased that we have China, which today is the second largest global economy, as a good friend of South Africa and the African continent.

The Enduring Friendship between China and South Africa 

《SFC Markets and Finance》: What's your prospect for this friendship? And how significant is this friendship for Africa and beyond?

Anil Sooklal: Whenever you have a FOCAC meeting, the entire African continent, the leadership is there. And when we had FOCAC in 2015, and again in 2018, on each time, China pledged 60 billion US dollars to Africa's development. This is significant because it's the largest development cooperation program that any country or region of the world has with Africa. And the FOCAC has also developed very significantly. When FOCAC was launched in 2000, I was present. I was at the FOCAC meeting as part of the South African delegation. We never expected FOCAC to become such a powerful mechanism uniting Africa and China. When you look at FOCAC today, it's a very important development cooperation program, perhaps the most intense cooperation program that any country has with Africa.

Together with FOCAC, together with the Belt and Road Initiative, plus the bilateral relationship that China enjoys with all the African countries, you have multiple layers of China-Africa cooperation. And with no other parts of the world, do we have such an intense relationship. And this relationship can only grow and become stronger. I'm very optimistic that we have what we will call a rock-solid relationship between China and Africa, between African and the Chinese people. It's not just inter-governmental. It's also people to people relationship. It is the people that are the true ambassadors. And it is the people that strengthened and forged relationship between countries. It is important for governments to work together for our leaders to work together. But it is equally important for people to get to know each other, understand each other, and to work together. And we are seeing that on a massive scale between China and Africa.

This relationship on the trade front will grow. China is the largest trading partner for South Africa. As I said, as recently as 2000, our total trade was $1 billion. Today, it's about $55 billion. In a matter of 25 years, it has grown over 50 times. And I'm absolutely sure in the next 25 years, it will be more than double. Because the potential is so vast. Of course, Chinese investments, you have several hundred Chinese multinationals in South Africa. In fact, South Africa is the hub for Sub-Saharan Africa, most of your major companies, you can think about from all sectors, from electronics, motor vehicle manufacturing, mining, the financial sector, Bank of China and several other banks, all are here. That's the vibrancy.

More importantly, China believes in Africa's rise. Africa is rising and will continue to rise. Partners like China are very important in ensuring that we rise, and occupy our rightful place in the global community. And that's why you have such faith and strength in this relationship, and it will continue to flourish.

Witnessing Remarkable Journey of China's Development

《SFC Markets and Finance》: You have been in China many times. What changes have you witnessed over the years?

Anil Sooklal: I've been very fortunate, my relationship with China started as an undergraduate student, when I was studying oriental history, and I studied Chinese history and philosophy. That's why I say my relationship is from a first-year university student in 1980, just two years after the opening up and reform, so I almost have witnessed your entire journey of transformation. I have been part of that journey.

I visited China for the past three decades, many, many times. I have many friends in China, and many friends in South Africa of Chinese origin. And I tell them that when I first went to Beijing, there were more bicycles on the road than cars. But today, China is developed so dramatically, today you have the largest network of roads, of speed trains, your infrastructure, your industries. You are leader today in technology, you are second largest economy. And I've seen the cities of China develop and become major global cities that not only rivals but has better infrastructure than the best cities in North America and Europe today.

China has become a leader in the world in every sector of human endeavor. And I've been very privileged to witness the rise of China, to be part of this journey, and to see China become this major power. Now China being powerful is not only good for China, is good for the developing world. It shows us what is possible, that the template of development that China has employed to lift its people out and to become a leading nation of the world is possible for all of us. And that's the partnership that we have with China, it is helping us to also lift and develop, and benefit our people through development through the cooperation we have.

《SFC Markets and Finance》: You also emphasize the importance of people-to-people communication. I think it's also one of the key parts of the BRI.

Anil Sooklal: Very important. I was very pleased that President Xi emphasized that under the Belt and Road speech that he made at the recent meeting, where he spoke specifically to strengthening and further deepening people to people cooperation. Because I think there are opportunities for our young people, university students, and our youth, and especially woman as well, to work together, to share experience and to develop together. And I think that's a very important mechanism of the BRI. 

That is also what underpins and give strength as the foundation of the BRI. Because it's about people. It's not just about building connectivity, it's not just about sharing experience and technology, which are all important. It's important to deepen economic interaction, investments, and so forth. But at the center of all of this, like China did, China has a people centered development agenda, people first. If you forget about the people, the people forget about you. That's why you always emphasize the people first, and the Belt and Road is saying the same thing—let us focus on developing our people.








新媒体统筹:丁青云 曾婷芳 赖禧 黄达迅

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(作者:李依农 编辑:和佳)