Culture Beyond Borders丨Yu Kwok-lit: Culture of GBA can develop into a rich and vibrant broth

全球财经连线施诗,李依农 2024-05-24 15:59

南方财经全媒体记者 李依农 深圳报道

On May 24, the Forum on Building up China’s Cultural Strength 2024 continued at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center. During the Sub-Forum on Cultural Strength and Development Opportunities of the Greater Bay Area (GBA), Yu Kwok-lit, Former President of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, compared culture to a pot of soup. He explained that Lingnan culture and "Bay Area culture" are like a soup with various ingredients. By properly utilizing these elements with the right temperature, mixing, fermentation, and accumulation, Bay Area culture can quickly develop into a rich and vibrant broth.

(作者:施诗,李依农 编辑:李依农,剪辑李群)


