GenZ Pop Quiz Z世代请回答 | GBA GenZ's Memory of the Changing Times 大湾区Z世代的时代记忆
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In the minds of the young generation across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, what is China like today? What shared memories bind them in this era of rapid change? As China celebrates its 75th anniversary, join us for a candid conversation with five vibrant individuals from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. Get a glimpse into the stories and dreams of those who are not just witnesses, but active participants in the making of a new era.
出 品丨南方财经全媒体集团
监 制丨于晓娜
制 片 人丨黄燕淑
执行制片人丨吴婉婕 黄子豪
主 持 人丨刘佳宇
特 邀 嘉 宾丨刘子健(中国香港)其诗闻(美国)刘智龙(中国澳门)何承谦
内 容丨黄子豪 吴婉婕 庄欢 龙李华 练一纬(实习生)王诗茜(实习生)梁海瑶(实习生)
导 演丨严树举
摄 像丨程 功 周 攀 刘世超 赵科志
后 期丨刘世超
化 妆丨秦诺诺
国 际 传 播丨黄子豪 庄欢 吴婉婕 龙李华 张伟韬
审 校丨蒋韵
(作者:吴婉婕,黄子豪 编辑:黄燕淑)