大湾区元宇宙国际传播实验室(GBA MIC Lab)
3/5虚拟人IP系列短视频《Sue's Talk》
Sue’s TALK|75秒,看中国科技强国之路
元宇宙,AI,科技,创新 2024-10-05
Sue's TALK | What has happened in China's technological landscape over the past 75 years?
元宇宙,AI,科技,创新 2024-10-01
Sue's TALK | How does Black Myth: Wukong manage to recreate real-world scenes?
黑神话悟空,科技,AI,元宇宙,舒望 2024-09-08
Sue's TALK | How exactly is AI making its mark in the world of sports?
Sue's TALK | How close are we to having humanoid robots in our daily lives?
Sue’s TALK | How to assemble “building blocks” underwater?
深中通道,AI,元宇宙,舒望,科技 2024-06-30
Sue's Talk | How Difficult is It to Collect Soil from the Far Side of the Moon?
Sue’s TALK | With GPT-4o Unveiled, How Human-like Can Artificial Intelligence Truly Be?
这届广交会有多“魔幻”? 数字虚拟人“舒望”带你看广交会“AI机器人总动员”
广交会,数字人,虚拟人,元宇宙,AI,舒望 2024-05-01
AI Takes Center Stage: The Canton Fair's Spectacular 'AI Robot Rally'
广交会,AI,数字人,元宇宙,舒望 2024-05-01