SFC TALK|Vágujhelyi: The BRI strengthens the connections among countries

全球财经连线杨雨莱 2023-10-20 09:06

南方财经全媒体记者施诗 北京报道

Ferenc Vágujhelyi, the President of the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary told SFC reporter that the Belt and Road Initiative works very well and showed us with a example for it. China is the biggest investor for Hungary this year, not just from Asia but globally. Hungary has increasing trade connections with China as well. So this conference is an evidence that the trade is working between continents and between the countries that are historically and geographically far away from each other. He considers this kind of initiatives only have nations to work together and not divide them.

(作者:杨雨莱 编辑:和佳,剪辑蔡于恬)